It accures to me that even though I hate my current (soon to be former) job, this is still the job that I have stayed at the longest. I have been here seven, going on eight, months. That means that I have let this job suck the soul right out of my body for almost an entire pregnancy. I just find it funny and maybe a little ironic that this has happened. But now I am going thru my computer... erasing everything that shows just how much I slacked off on the internet and I find a little bit of a trail of things I was really into in the pictures I downloaded.... some of them have even ended up here.

I was definitily home sick to go back to Jackson for a long time and just generally checked up on things there way too often to probably be healthy. Since then I have decided that when you leave somewhere, you need to leave. Plus I was really just not getting enough work done.
I got onto a health kick that I suppose I am still on a little. Feeling good about myself and all.. Its been good. Lots of inspirational articles have been read at this here desk.

Eventually, I got interested in the world outuside, and the city that I live in... this is a picture I got from a global warming article. Apparently Seattle will be getting more intense weather as time moves forward.
Oh the stories one can gain just from going through a computer... I can almost smell the freedom.. ofcourse now I just have to email all of these pictures to myself before I delete them.
You never cease to amaze me child. Your wanderings are a guide tour to the beauty of your spirit for the rest of us. Keep it up. I love you