This book was what I like to call "a chick-flick" book. That really is the best way to describe it. I liked it alot, didn't even really put it down too much. Maybe I was just in one of my moods that supported it.
The book is about a woman named June. She is an underachiever and has no real ambitions in life. One day she gives a stranger a ride home and they end up in a major accident where the strange girl is killed. It's not her fault, but ofcourse she still feels guilty and responsible for it. To try to make it up even a little June decides to finsh the bucket list that she found in the girl's purse. 20 things to do before I'm 25. A noble cause to say the least. The book gives an account, often funny, about how she went about doing it.
I think that one of the reasons that I loved it so much was because I relate to June so well. I definately think that "classi underaciever" could be fairly stapled to my file. I even was inspired enough to make my own list. A short term bucket list if you will. 30 things to do beofre I'm 30. I'm a sucker for aliteration.
I recomend this book to women mostly. A guy miht get a kick out of it as well though.
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